Albuquerque’s Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordinance was recently updated and no longer allows Neighborhood Associations to require a fee for membership or voting rights. This means that everyone who signs up will be considered a member!

Please complete the form below to become a member of VDMNA. Becoming a member allows you to voice your concerns and support our community, and enables us to keep in touch to share vital neighborhood information and updates.

As a member of the VDMNA you are also entitled to attend board meetings and vote on the issues that are most important to you.

There is no charge to become a member, but please consider donating to VDMNA for any amount in order to allow for continued community evens, communication, and maintenance. The Membership year is January – December 2023.

Donations (see membership form above) help to support these activities and more:

  • Maintenance of community property
  • Social events and activities
  • Marquis signs and online media
  • Newsletter production
  • Membership Drives
  • Office supplies and materials needed to write letters to government or homeowners with unfulfilled obligations