Want to play a bigger role in your neighborhood but not sure where to start? We are currently seeking volunteers for the following:

Board Members

The goal of the VDMNA is to have a representative from each subdivision on the board of directors. We currently have several positions available.

Social Media Committee

Are you familiar with Instagram, Twitter, WordPress, or Facebook? Are you a gifted writer? Do you love to take photos of our neighborhood? We have several positions available to help with content on our website, newsletters and social media channels. We are also in need of people with graphic design and desktop publishing skills to help us create flyers, newsletters and website design.!

Park Committee

Parks & Rec is not keeping our park as well maintained as we would like. We need volunteers to join our Park Committee and help keep our park beautiful. Responsibilities include picking up trash, replacing dog waste bags, pulling weeds, sweeping sidewalks and reporting issues.  We hope to have landscaping replaced and updated and would love input for that as well.

Beautification Committee

Volunteers will nominate houses for Yard of the Month recognition and identify homes with unfulfilled common area obligations.

Membership Committee

Chair: Kristin Flores

Help with our Membership Drives and social events and encourage participation in our neighborhood association. Participate in the “Know Your Neighbor” Campaign! Share the registration form with your neighbors and encourage them to join! 

Fundraising Committee

We need volunteers to talk to local businesses about supporting our neighborhood and association and or assist with grant writing opportunities.

Trailhead Trash Removal

We have received requests for a trash can and mutt mitt station be placed at the Villa Sandia Trail Access. The City’s Open Space Division says they will install and provide ongoing supplies but they do not have the manpower to service them. If you are able to help empty the trash and keep the dog waste bag container filled, please let us know so we can move forward with this project.

Other Ways To Be Involved

Do you have a skill not listed that you would feel would benefit your neighborhood?  Please let us know!