We’ve received many phone calls and emails about the dead grass in Embudo Hills Park. I had a chance to talk to a Parks & Rec supervisor this morning and want to share the details.

Broken Backflow Preventer

Irrigation crews went to our park a couple of weeks ago to turn the water on. They found the backflow preventer was broken. That controls water for the entire park so they can not turn on the sprinklers until it is fixed. The backflow preventer was ordered and is expected any day now. Crews are scheduled to be at the park Monday morning to work on this issue. You can check our Twitter feed for updates. Thank goodness we had rain yesterday!

Also, we apparently have not had a supervisor for our area for a while now. Michael Montoya, who I spoke with this morning, is acting as an interim. We should have a permanent supervisor on Monday as well. Hopefully this means the weeds by the water tower and other Parks & Rec issues that have been reported will be resolved by then too.

In good news, our dog waste bags have been refilled! The bag receptacles are filled by Parks & Rec volunteers. Our area had but one, and she was apparently unable to do it for the past month due to personal reasons. She’s back, and both myself and the VDMNA President, Chris Crum, have applied to be volunteers as well.

We could use a few more people to join our park committee and help Vista del Mundo maintain and beautify Embudo Hills Park. If you’re interested please let us know.

————————————- Update 4/22/19 ————————————-

Parks & Rec is working on the park! Crews have fixed the main line and that excavation is ready to be filled in. Now they are working on replacing the back flow preventer unit. I was told this should take a couple of days then we will have water on. After that the grass should green up in a week and a half or so. Thankfully we have cool weather and overcast skies working for us. Looking forward to greener pastures!

————————————- Update 4/26/19 ————————————-

The Parks & Rec crews have completed the irrigation repair. Now the construction department needs to come out and fill the holes. Unfortunately the water meter is also broken so the Water Authority needs to repair that before the sprinklers can be turned on. It has been assigned to an ABCWUA supervisor but he only works Wednesday – Sunday. Hopefully they will repair this ASAP.

————————————- More Updates ————————————-

For more updates on Embudo Hills Park please see our Twitter feed.

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